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Trade listed as Office Clerk. DOB 3-8-96, born Guelph. 5 foot 9 inches. Brown eyes, dark hair. Methodist. NOK Annie Hill, mother. Thomas Hill, father. Enlisted Fergus 23-3-16 (age 19 years). On 153rd Battalion Nominal Rolls as published Guelph Mercury 10-6-16 and 1-12-16. Embarked with 153rd Halifax N.S. SS Olympic 29-4-17. Arrived Liverpool 7-5-17. Assigned 25th Reserve for Training and Administration. Cushnie letter dated 7-1-18 states: "We had a visit last week from Griffin Hill one of our old section who has been in the hospital ever since July 12th with lung trouble. He is now at a big Canadian hospital at Orpingham. He expects to be going back to Canada shortly..." Because of illness, served in England only. Returned to Canada aboard Hospital Ship Aquitania 11-3-18, disability - Pleuresy. Medical Board London 14-5-19 recommends discharge, medically unfit for further service. Discharged 17-5-19 at London, medically unfit. Marriage 7-10-33 to Dorothy Grace Hamilton. A. Griffin Hill became a Medical Doctor. Department of Veteran Affairs Death Notification, died 31-1-79. Jarrett Funeral Home Willowdale records, died 31-1-79, Toronto. Cremated Westminister Crematorium. Family took the remains, no record of burial. Photo ph4624 courtesy Wellington County Museum & Archives. File: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 4341 - 40, courtesy Library & Archives Canada. |